


Sea to Summit recognises the importance of protecting the Personal Information collected about our customers. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the term “Customers” includes subscribers to, consumers of, and users of, our products and services and visitors to our website (


We are bound by the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China (“PIPL”, or the “Law”) in relation to the collection and Processing of Personal Information.


This Privacy Policy is applicable to Personal Information Processing activities involved in the sale of our products and the provision of our related services (such as online display of product information, and pre-sales or after-sales services) (“Retail Services”) through our website, application, social interaction page and other online and offline activities. For providing our Retail Services, we may conclude relevant contracts (such as purchase order) with you as Customers, and we will Process your Personal Information for conclusion and performance of the aforesaid contracts with you; except for the above and other exceptions allowed by the Law, we will seek your consent before our Processing of your Personal Information according to this Privacy Policy.



This Privacy Policy does not apply to third party websites / applications, including those that may appear in our above channels or accessed through links. It is your responsibility to review and understand the Privacy Policy of any third party.


Our Privacy Policy may change. We will publish the updated Privacy Policy on the website. Without your express consent, we will not limit your rights under this Privacy Policy.



Please note that our services are mainly for adults and this Privacy Policy is not applicable to Personal Information of children under the age of 14. If you are a minor under the age of 14, please do not provide any of your Personal Information to us and you must read together with your guardian the “Privacy Policy for Children” that we specifically formulate and obtain the guardian's consent before using our Retail Services. We will Process and protect the Personal Information of minors according to law.


Who are we?



Sea to Summit is an outdoor brand committed to developing and manufacturing outdoor sports products, water sports products and ultra light travel equipment. The product design is based on the ultimate needs of outdoor lovers, so as to provide them with novel, durable, lightweight and compact practical equipment.

Sea to Summit是一家致力于开发和制造户外运动产品、水上运动产品和超轻旅行装备的户外品牌。产品设计以户外爱好者的终极需求为出发点,为他们提供新颖、耐用、轻便、紧凑的实用装备。 website is owned and operated by Sea to Summit (Zhongshan) Outdoor Trading Co Ltd. (hereafter “Sea to Summit” or “we”). Sea to Summit (Zhongshan) Outdoor Trading Co Ltd., is responsible for your Personal Information, and serves as your Personal Information processor.

http://seatosummitchina.com网站由中山大堡礁户外用品贸易有限公司 (以下简称“Sea to Summit”或“我们”)拥有并运营。中山大堡礁户外用品贸易有限公司将对您的个人信息负责,并对您的个人信息进行保护处理。

What is personal information?


“Personal Information” includes all kinds of information, recorded by electronic or other means, related to identified or identifiable natural persons, not including information after anonymization.


“Processing” Personal Information includes: collection, storage, use, processing, transmission, provision, disclosure, deletion, etc.


“Sensitive Personal Information” includes Personal Information that, once leaked or illegally used, may easily cause harm to the dignity of natural persons or grave harm to personal or property security, including information on biometric characteristics, religious beliefs, specially-designated status, medical health, financial accounts, individual location tracking, etc., as well as the Personal Information of minors under the age of 14.


What personal information we collect and how we use of your personal information? 



How do we collect or receive your Personal Information? 



When you use our platform or the products or services we provide, we may collect and Process the Personal Information you provide online or offline, such as filling in forms through online applications, applets, websites, etc., uploading Personal Information, subscribing to online services (such as applications and social network pages).


We collect Personal Information to properly provide Sea to Summit services or products to you, and to facilitate successful purchase of products from Sea to Summit by the Customer and delivery of purchased products to the Customer in a timely manner; and follow up service and marketing communications as authorized by the Customer. 

我们收集个人信息是为了提供给您更为适合的Sea to Summit的服务或产品,从而促进客户在Sea to Summit成功购买产品并及时将所购产品交付给客户;并在客户授权下跟进相关服务和营销沟通。

We may actively collect your Personal Information to complete or improve the quality of products and services (for example, use cookies to understand how you use our website), and we may also receive Personal Information from third parties (including but not limited to,, and where the order is completed) that has been authorized by you to share with us.


In addition, we may collect information regarding your use of our website. As a general rule we do not collect Sensitive Personal Information. However, if we do, it will usually be for the purposes of providing Sea to Summit services or products. We will seek your consent if we collect any of Personal Information  that is beyond the necessity of the conclusion or performance of the contracts with you.

此外,我们可能会收集有关您使用我们网站的信息。一般情况下,我们不会收集敏感个人信息。但是,如果我们这样做,通常是为了更好的提供Sea to Summit的服务或产品。如果我们收集的任何个人信息超出了与您签订或履行合同的必要性,我们将征得您的同意。

If you do not provide accurate Personal Information as requested by Sea to Summit, you understand that Sea to Summit, or its registered service providers, may not be able to provide you with one or more of the products or services sought, or the same level of service it intends to provide to, or provides, to others.

如果您没有按照Sea to Summit的要求提供准确的个人信息,您需要知道,Sea to Summit或其注册服务供应商可能无法向您提供一种或多种要求的产品或服务,或其打算向他人提供或已向他人提供的同等水平的服务。




When you register for our services, create an account with us, or utilize third party platforms to place orders filled by us, we collect Personal Information such as your name, company name, address, telephone number, and order details.


We use your information to provide products and services to you, to fulfil administrative functions associated with these products and services, for example billing and warranty services, to enter into contracts with you.


Processing and retention of Personal Information shall be limited to the shortest time necessary for the purpose of providing Retail Services and resolving disputes, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and administrative regulations.  


If Sea to Summit intends to use your Personal Information for any other purpose not listed in this document, Sea to Summit will obtain your consent before doing so.

如果Sea to Summit需要将您的个人信息用于本文件未列出的任何其他目的,在使用之前,Sea to Summit将征得您的同意。


We accept payments by bank transfer and via third party payment platforms.  If you pay us via bank transfer, we receive (as part of the payment information) your account name, bank name and bank account number.  If you pay us using third party payment processors such as Alipay, JD Finance and You Zan then those platforms will share your Personal Information (mainly the payment results) with us so that we can fulfil your order. We do not receive or store any credit/debit card information you provide to those third party platforms to facilitate payment. Such information may be stored, however, by the third-party payment processor/platform.


We will be responsible for your Personal Information and will not sell your Personal Information. We may share or transfer your Personal Information to others under the following circumstances. In addition, we will share or transfer your Personal Information only for providing the Retail Services, or with your consent, or under other circumstances permitted by laws and regulations.


We may share your Personal Information with trusted third parties



Sea to Summit may disclose or transfer your Personal Information to our parent entity, Sea to Summit Pty Ltd (located in Australia), as well as other service providers and contractors from time to time to help us to provide, deliver and market to you Sea to Summit products generally, as well as other products we manufacture and/or distribute.  Specifically, your Personal Information is transferred to the server of Sea to Summit Pty Ltd for the purposes of backing up the data of Sea to Summit (China) only.  Sea to Summit Pty Ltd does not intend to use that Personal Information for any other purpose.

必要时候,我们可能会向总公司Sea to Summit Pty Ltd(位于澳大利亚)以及其服务供应商和承办商披露或转让您的个人信息,通常为了帮助我们向您提供、交付和销售Sea to Summit产品,以及我们生产和/或分销的其他产品。具体而言,您的个人信息可能会被转移到Sea to Summit Pty Ltd的服务器上,仅用于备份Sea to Summit(中国)的数据。Sea to Summit Pty Ltd不会将您的个人信息用于任何其他目的。

We rely on trusted third parties to conduct a series of business operations on our behalf. We will only share your information with such third parties for the legal, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purpose as provided by this Privacy Policy statement. Such trusted third parties may only access the information they need to perform their duties, and we require them not to use your Personal Information for any other purpose. We will do our best to ensure that all third parties working with us will protect the security of your Personal Information.


For example, we may delegate the Processing of your Personal Information to the following parties to provide you with our Retail Services for and on behalf of Sea to Summit:

例如,我们可以将您的个人信息的处理委托给以下各方,以代表Sea to Summit为您提供我们的销售服务:

(1) A third party that assists us in providing digital services and e-commerce services (such as third party marketplace platforms and delivery service providers);


(2) Payment service providers and credit agencies to assess your credit score and verify your situation (which is a prerequisite for signing some contracts);


(3) A third party that provides us with customer relationship management services, such as consulting services for market research and analysis, market research and feedback collection of products, etc; and


(4) Third party cloud providers based outside of China and who will receive your Personal Information for the purposes of storing and backing up the data.


Your Personal Information may be shared with governmental departments to the extent required at law or required for compliance reasons.


We may share your personal information with affiliates within the Sea to Summit Group

我们可能会将您的个人信息与Sea to Summit集团内的附属机构共享

We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates within the Sea to Summit group of companies in order to be able to provide you with more complete products and services. Any Processing of your Personal Information is subject to this Privacy Policy. If any entity within the Sea to Summit group of companies wish to use your Personal Information in a manner not provided for in this Privacy Policy, such entity will notify you in advance and obtain your separate consent. Some of these third-parties may be overseas entities, including the parent entity of Sea of Summit, with details as follows:

Sea to Summit Pty Ltd

5-7 Eyre Street, Rivervale,

Western Australia 6103
+61 8 9221 6617

为了向您提供更完善的产品和服务,我们可能会将您的个人信息与Sea to Summit集团内的关联公司共享。对您个人信息的任何处理都受本隐私政策的约束。如果Sea to Summit集团公司中的任何一方实体希望以本隐私政策未规定的方式使用您的个人信息,该方将会提前通知您并获得您的单独同意。其中部分第三方可能是海外公司,包括Se to Summit的总公司,具体联系信息如下:

Sea to Summit Pty Ltd


+61 8 9221 6617

You may contact the above entities using the above contact information to exercise your rights provided under PIPL on the Processing of your Personal Information by the above entities.


Sea to Summit shall execute a Standard Personal Information Protection Agreement with any foreign third-party recipient of Personal Information in accordance with the Law. All such third parties are required to protect your information to at least the same standard we use to protect your information.

Sea to Summit应依法与任何外国第三方个人信息接收方签订《标准个人信息保护协议》。我们要求所有此类第三方为了保护您的信息所遵循的标准至少与我们所遵循的标准相同。




We may collect certain other types of Personal Information to optimise Sea to Summit products and services (including our apps and websites) for your Internet-enabled device (e.g., the identity of your Internet browser, the type of operating system or device you use, your IP address and the domain name of your Internet service provider). We may use such types of Personal Information for internal purposes, including but not limited to improving the content of our sites and apps and assisting with the diagnosis of problems or support issues associated with our supply of Sea to Summit products or services.

我们可能会收集某些其他类型的个人信息,为向您推送您所使用的互联网设备中的Sea to Summit产品和服务(包括我们的应用程序和网站)(例如,您的互联网浏览器的身份、您使用的操作系统或设备的类型、您的IP地址和您的互联网服务提供商的域名)。我们可将此类个人信息用于内部目的,包括但不限于改进我们网站和应用程序的内容,以及协助诊断与我们供应Sea to Summit产品或服务相关的问题或支持问题。




Where do we store your personal information?



We store the Personal Information we collect on servers in China and a back up of that Personal Information is also transferred to our parent entity, Sea to Summit Pty Ltd, located in Australia as well as to our third party cloud provider (again for the purposes of backing up the data).

我们将收集到的个人信息存储在中国境内的服务器上,该个人信息的备份也会传送到我们位于澳大利亚的总公司Sea to Summit Pty Ltd以及我们的第三方云供应商(同样用于备份数据)。

How long do we store your personal information?


We only keep your Personal Information for the purpose stated in this Privacy Policy for the shortest period necessary for the purpose of providing Retail Services and resolving disputes, unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations. After expiry of the above storage period, we will delete your Personal Information or anonymize it according to the requirements of applicable laws.


Is your personal Information Safe?


Sea to Summit strives to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of personally identifiable information of our Customers. We use a variety of physical and electronic security measures including restricting physical access to our offices and firewalls and secure databases to keep Personal Information secure from misuse, loss or unauthorised use or disclosure.

Sea to Summit致力于确保客户个人身份信息的安全性、完整性和私密性。我们采用多种物理和电子安全措施,包括限制进入我们的办公室、防火墙和安全数据库的物理访问,以确保个人信息的安全,避免滥用、丢失或未经授权使用或披露。

Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure and you accept this inherent risk. Accordingly, Sea to Summit is not responsible for any event arising from unauthorised access of your Personal Information.

但需要注意的是,没有任何数据传输到互联网上是绝对安全的,您需要承担这个固有的风险。因此,Sea to Summit不对因未经授权访问您的个人信息而引起的任何事件负责。

It is your responsibility to implement sufficient procedures and checks to satisfy the security of your computers (including web-enabled communication devices) and data from viruses, Trojans, hackers and other forms of unauthorised access by any person or program.


If at any time you believe that the integrity of your account with Sea to Summit has been breached, please contact

如果您在任何时候发现您的Sea to Summit账户的完整性已被破坏,请联系

You must realize that, once your Sensitive Personal Information is divulged or used illegally, it may easily lead to infringement of your personal dignity and damage to your personal and property safety, although we may adopt more stringent standards to protect your Sensitive Personal Information.





You have certain rights granted by the Law in connection with your Personal Information collected and Processed by Sea to Summit.

Sea to Summit收集和处理您的个人信息,基于您所享有的法律规定中相关的权利前提下。

You have the right to know about the Processing of your Personal Information. To protect your right to know, we have made this Privacy Policy (including any changes, amendments and updates) publicly available to you to fully explain our specific rules for Processing your Personal Information, and you should read and fully understand the contents of this Privacy Policy. If you have any questions about the Personal Information Processing rules in this Privacy Policy, please contact our Personal Information Protection Officer as provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.


You have the right to decide the Processing of your Personal Information. However, you should understand and acknowledge that for the purpose of providing the Retail Services to you and revolving relevant disputes, we can Process your Personal Information according to this Privacy Policy within the necessary and reasonable scope according to the laws.


You have the right to access and copy your Personal Information we Processed about you, except in cases where the laws or administrative regulations stipulate that the Personal Information should be kept confidential or the access and copy are not allowed, and if we deny access in some circumstances, we will tell you why. To request access, please contact our Personal Information Protection Officer as provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.


You have the right to transfer your Personal Information to a third party designated by you, provided that the conditions set forth by the competent authority are met. If you wish to transfer your Personal Information, you may access and copy your Personal Information in the manner described in the aforesaid paragraph and then transfer it to the third party designated by you.


If any of your Personal Information kept by Sea to Summit is incorrect or incomplete, you have a right to ask us to correct it. If you note any error in the Personal Information we hold about you, we ask that you contact our Personal Information Protection Officer to initiate our corrective procedures.


You have a right to withdraw your consent (if applicable to our Processing) to Sea to Summit’s collection and use of your Personal Information, and to request that we delete any of your Personal Information we may have Processed (excluding anonymous information). You may request for your Personal Information to be deleted/removed at any time.  Please contact us using the details provided herein and state that you wish for your Personal Information to be deleted/removed.  We will, within a reasonable timeframe, confirm your request and the actions that we take or have taken.

您有权撤销对Sea to Summit收集和使用您的个人信息的同意(在我们可处理的能力范围内),并有权要求删除我们可能处理过的任何有关您的个人信息(不包括匿名信息)。您可以随时要求转移/删除您的个人信息。请使用本文提供的详细信息与我们联系,并说明您希望转移/删除您的个人信息的情况。我们将在正常的工作时间内,确认您的需求并对此采取相应行动。

To consult about or exercise your other legal rights to your Personal Information, you may contact our Personal Information Protection Officer as provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.


Please note that we may only be able to provide you with current details of Personal Information we hold about you. We are not able to guarantee that we can provide you with details of Personal Information held about you at a particular point in time.




Cookies 和同类技术

Sea to Summit may employ programs having cookies, or other functionality similar to cookies, to assist you in using the website or in us providing our services to you.

Sea to Summit可能会使用带有cookies的程序,或与cookies类似的其他功能,以协助您使用本网站或协助我们向您提供服务。

If you have concerns regarding the use of cookies by any site, you can change the settings of your Internet browser to disable the use of cookies.




Where Sea to Summit receives a request for Personal Information about one or more of our Customers from a law enforcement or regulating agency, and Sea to Summit have taken advice that the request is legally valid and enforceable, Sea to Summit shall disclose that information to the law enforcement or regulating agency without seeking your prior approval.

如果Sea to Summit从执法或监管部门收到关于我们的一个或多个客户的个人信息的披露请求,并且Sea to Summit认为该请求具有法律效力和可执行性,Sea to Summit应向执法或监管机构披露该信息,而无需征得您的事先批准。

When this occurs, unless the request otherwise prohibits it, Sea to Summit will contact you as soon as practicable to inform you about the request, the law enforcement or regulating agency who made the request and the Personal Information provided in response to the request.

发生这种情况时,除非法律另有规定,Sea to Summit将在切实可行的情况下尽快与您联系,告知您有关要求、提出需求的执法或监管部门以及为响应要求而提供的相关个人信息。






If you have any complaints, reports, any questions, comments or suggestions about this Privacy Policy or your Personal Information, please contact us by the following channels:


send an email to




From time to time, Sea to Summit may vary this Privacy Policy. Such variations may, for example, be made to keep them in line with updates to its business, to comply with changes in the law or for security or technical reasons.

Sea to Summit可能按实际情况不定时更改本隐私政策。例如,为了使该政策与公司业务的更新保持一致,为了遵循法律规则的更替或出于安全或技术原因,将随之作出变更。



Sea to Summit welcomes feedback of any sort on its website and services that our subscribers or visitors send to us. This information helps us to administer and improve our services and may be shared with others. Please direct any feedback to

Sea to Summit欢迎订户或访问者发送给我们以任何形式对我们网站和服务进行的反馈。这些信息有助于我们管理和改进我们的服务,并可能与他人共享。请将反馈信息发至



Please contact our Personal Information Protection Officer at to ask for access to your information or if you have a complaint concerning your information protection or if you would like more information about our approach to protection.



拒绝接收来自Sea to Summit的信息

You may elect not to receive on-line or off-line communications from us. To stop receiving communications from Sea to Summit please email us at with your request.

您可以选择不接收任何来自我们在线或离线的信息。如要停止接收来自Sea to Summit的信息,请发送电子邮件至告知您的要求。



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